Tuesday, August 12, 2014

Martha By Mail Halloween Catalogs

I don't know about you, but one thing I always looked forward to in the early 2000's was the Martha By Mail Catalog--mostly the Halloween issue, naturally ;-) Here are some of the covers for the catalog--which you can see at Martha Moments Blog run by Andrew Richie - covers credited to Andrew. I ordered a few things from time to time--including the witch metal lantern seen on the bottom image.



  1. They were wonderful catalogs. I sold a big collection of them in 2010. Halloween pieces from the catalog still show up on ebay from time to time. The bat garland was one of my personal favorites.

  2. I wish she still had the M by M going--they always had something with great vintage style flair which is hard to find these days in stores--it's hit and miss anyhow. I still have my catalogs stored somewhere, need to dig them out. I forget to check eBay but that's a good tip for those who are trying to collect items from these catalogs.
