Sunday, October 13, 2013

Countdown to Halloween - Oct. 13 - Spooky Scarecrows

Spooky Scarecrow Project

Today I worked on craft project #3 for the annual Nancy Drew Halloween party - putting together 2 spooky scarecrows to put outside the front of the house - they will be really tall too--close to 7+ feet. I purchased 2 pumpkins that light up that have particularly spooky features and at night they look so neat all lit up! I took 2 x 2 boards and painted them black and have 2 black buckets to put these into with sand to keep them in place.

At JoAnn, I purchased some filmy black fabric to attach to the cross bar--which was just some garden stakes zip-tied onto the 2 x 2s.

I slit jagged cuts into the fabric to make it look tattered. With a little more fine tuning to go and setting them out later this week, they'll look great. I also have some crows to attach to the arms.
