Sunday, August 11, 2013

2013 Halloween at Kirkland's #1

I was in Kirkland's this weekend and I loved these paintings that light up! There's more styles too, but the ravens and the haunted house were especially cool!



  1. I really want both but must resist. My budget is getting stretched tight and I haven't even been shopping at your store yet. Is there new Martha Stewart stuff this year?

  2. They are really neat! :) MSL does have new stuff, but I decided not to carry it in the store this year--I had so much leftover from last year that I think I don't want to have that happen again. I think I'm having to compete with so many stores that carry her now--like JoAnn and Michaels where people can use 40 or 50 % off coupons which basically take the price back to wholesale, so if I had a way to do that with the PP shopping cart system (it doesn't allow for discounts), I wouldn't be breaking even with fees, so I decided it's not worth getting stuck with too much product :( So, just carrying the usual lines and the vintage Beistle this time around.

  3. Yeah, the market is flooded and so many sellers on ebay too. People just expect to nab her stuff now at a discount at the big chain stores. Luckily you have other new wonderful offerings this year.

  4. You're right it's pretty flooded :) Luckily most big stores don't carry a lot of the lines just more specialty stores like mine so it's easier to handle those things. Last year though I noticed a trend that I sold less of some of those lines and just a ton of the vintage Beistle repros that came out-- the Beistle is definitely really popular again this year.
