Monday, October 24, 2011

Oct. 24 - Day 24: Crafty Halloween Ideas #7

Crafty Halloween Ideas #7 -
Ghost in the Mirror

Mary Beth sent in this DIY idea and here's her instructions:

"This is one of my favorite crafty DIY projects. I've used it for years. It's very cheap and very easy to make but it has a really big WOW factor.

Take a piece of wax paper cut to fit a mirror or your choice.

Trace a floating ghostly figure with a pencil angled from one side, so that the other side keeps its original straight edge.

Trim out shape with scissors.

Crumple the ghostly figure in a ball and then carefully uncrumple.

Using double sided scotch tape, adhere the ghostly figure to a mirror, using the straight edge as your guide.

Once adhered, add 3 black cardstock circles/ovals for the eyes and mouth.

Easy Peasy! Now you have a perfect ghost in the mirror.

I always put my ghost in my powder room because no one expects a ghost to be hiding out in the powder room!"
