Wednesday, August 31, 2011

Matthew Mead's Autumn & Johanna Parker Tin Horns

Matthew Mead's Autumn

You should be receiving Matthew Mead's Autumn Magazine any time now if you've ordered it from his website. If you haven't ordered, I recommend it. Click here to order it.

We are advertising this year in this magazine and our ad is featured below. Inside there are great Autumn ideas and delicious recipes.

There is a cute Halloween in white article called "White Magic" - and I especially like the fondant tootsie pop ghosts. I make Tootsie pop ghosts every year and this was an especially clever idea!

A favorite article is artist Johanna Parker's piece featuring her visit with her mom, collector Mark Craven, and Bruce Elsass of the Hobgoblins Collection at a gathering featuring Mark's vintage pieces, Johanna and Bruce's creations, and a host of good eats. Featured our Johanna's new tin horns which are spooktacular and a real treat:

We carry these tin horns in the shop--click here to order.


1 comment:

  1. What Fun! I will have to order my copy & those horns are quite special too!

    Happy HALLOWEEN! Thanks for getting me in the spirit
