Wednesday, July 27, 2011

Pottery Barn Kids Halloween Goodies

Check out Pottery Barn Kids - More fun stuff out this year and some project ideas--see Blog post below on the surprise balls!

This year they've got some of last year's line back and some new designs. I love silhouettes of course, so these are all right up my alley...



  1. I am a sucker for the table items and may finally give in and get the tablecloth. Need to order some Martha stuff from you too. Sent some former customers to you in the last couple of weeks. :0 )

  2. I'm with you Ronda--love the table items! Thanks for sending customers my way :) You still planning to open an etsy shop?


  3. Jenn,

    Out of the retail game and went in to volunteer work. So, I won't be using my etsy shops. Trying to give my Steampunk shop to a friend but etsy has rules about shop names.

  4. I do miss your site Ronda :) That's too bad you can't give it over to your friend!

