I recently purchased this book at eBay for around $20.00. It's a small thin book around 4 1/2" x 6 3/4" in side and not quite 1/2" thick. Mine has a name inside and the date of 1916. The copyright is 1912 and it's a Barse & Hopkins publication.
In looking through it, it's definitely got some strange and interesting games in it! At this time, Halloween parties were mostly for adults. Here are some games in the book:
Flour Test:
A bowl is filled tightly with flour. During the process of filling, a wedding ring is inserted vertically in some part of it. The bowl, when full, is inverted upon a dish and withdrawn, leaving the mound of flour on the dish. Each guest cuts off with a knife a thin slice which crumbles into dust. The guest who cuts off the slice containing the ring will be married first.
Combing Hair Before Mirror:
Stand alone before mirror, and by light of candle comb your hair; face of your future partner will appear in glass, peering over your shoulder.
Jumping Lighted Candle:
Place a lighted candle in middle of floor, not too securely placed; each one jumps over it. Whoever succeeds in clearing candle is guaranteed a happy year, free of trouble or anxiety. He who knocks candle over will have a twelve-month of woe.
I have to wonder how many women stood alone before that mirror and no face ever appeared ;-)
Wonder how many Halloween decorations caught fire from people not-so-nimbley jumping over a candle at a Halloween party?
I enjoyed reading about those games... maybe you can share more with us at some point. I bet you are enjoying it.
These are great! It would be fun to travel back in time and attend a turn of the century Halloween party!
Games for Hallowe'en is available online. You can read the book online or download a free copy in PDF or EPUB format from Google Books:
Games for Halloween by Mary Blain
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