I like to collect vintage Halloween party books like the Bogie books and other interesting volumes. I saw these 2 recently up at eBay. The top book went for a pretty penny.

These kinds of party books provide a lot of great vintage ideas, games, and even plays and skits.
Hi, this book I have; HALLOWE'EN Copyright, 1933 with a introduction by Robert Haven Schauffler, New York Dodd Mead and Company. 1958 could you tell me about it and anyone who would like to have it? Thanks you very much for your time.
I don't know much about the book per se but here's a link to a scanned copy - https://archive.org/details/in.ernet.dli.2015.58690/page/n3/mode/2up and as for who would be interested - I'd suggest eBay or Etsy as sell sites but also on Facebook if you search for a group called Vintage Halloween - we do allow sales posts.
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